Tulare Lake Subbasin (TLS) Probation

On April 16, 2024 the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) voted to place the Tulare Lake Subbasin (TLS) on Probation. In its resolution (Resolution No. 2024-0012), the State Board outlined the deficiencies of the 2022 TLS GSP that must be addressed. The Mid-Kings River GSA is coordinating with the TLS to define a path forward. The resolution also includes requirements regarding reporting and metering of groundwater extraction for persons within the TLS.

Review the resolution here:

October 2023 State Board Requires TLS GSP Revision

On October 2023, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) staff recommended designating the Tulare Lake Subbasin as probationary. A Probationary Hearing was set by the State Board for April 15, 2024.

March 2023 DWR Issues Inadequate Determination

In March 2023, DWR sent a Determination Letter indicating the revised (2022) TLS GSP was found to be inadequate. The determination prompted coordination among the TLS GSAs to revise the GSP again.

July 2022 Revised TLS GSP

Following DWR’s review of the initial TLS GSP submitted in January 2020, the GSAs revised the GSP and resubmitted the GSP by the July 27, 2022 deadline.

January 2022 DWR Issues Incomplete Determination

DWR issued a determination letter and comments following its 2-year review of the TLS GSP submitted in January 2020. Receipt of the DWR Comment Letter started a 180-day revision period.

January 2020 TLS GSP

The Tulare Lake Subbasin’s first GSP version was submitted to the State in January 2020.

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